Sunday, November 28, 2010

Partylicious: Part 1

    My friend Ian drove down to Portland with me for Thanksgiving since he wasn't going home to Pennsylvania. Our friend Kayce also came with us because she is from my rival high school and I hate her. Oh wait, I meant because she is from Calallen and I live 20 minutes from there. We had a pretty good trip but the 7 hour drive was still pretty long. One of the fun parts was when I mentioned that we were gonna have a partylicious time and then realized how ridiculous that sounded. Anyways, I was super thankful for Ian being willing to come to my house for the break seeing as how I don't have a car and didn't really have another way to get home. 
    I was so thankful in fact that the first night we were there I forgot to tell him that the upstairs bathroom locks if you shut it a certain way and the only way you can open it is with a screwdriver. Due to us going to bed at 3 AM we were trying to be quiet while still getting him out. Have you ever noticed that everything is just a little funnier when you have to be quiet. He had just taken off his contacts so it took a good while before he found the little emergency screwdriver. Meanwhile I had climbed out of my window and walked around the roof to see if I could help him out. I couldn't get the screen off the window though so it was a good thing he finally stumbled across the screwdriver. Spending the night in the bathroom would not have made for a very good first night in South Texas. Of course, the condition our house was in wasn't the best introduction he could have gotten anyways.

    You see, for some reason our AC wasn't working this past week and they weren't able to fix it before we got there. Even though it was late November that doesn't mean it was cool weather. That first night we had every window in the house open and it was still over 80 degrees inside. Harmon, Ian and I were all sprawled on our beds the whole night trying to catch a little breeze. Fortunately we were only trying to sleep for 3 and a half hours before we had to get up for the annual Turkey Trot race that we do in Corpus Christi every Thanksgiving. 

   After the race we went home and just chilled on the couch from 10 to 3 watching Mythbusters and napping. It was awesome! But I think some of my family got a little angry with how lazy I looked. So we decided to go and blow some stuff up at the sand dunes. This was when the party really started. We were going to try three different types of bombs but we couldn't find any of The Works toilet bowl cleaner so we couldn't do the one that I have the most experience with: Lye and Aluminum. We settled with the dry ice version and the coke/mentos version. I have never done these before and it was obvious. out first one with coke and mentos totally failed to fizz at all and we realized its because you are supposed to use diet coke. Then we switched to dry ice. We didn't realize we had to have water so we just put the coke in with the dry ice. The first one started to expand but never blew up so we started on the second bottle and decided to put every ingredient we had into it. Meanwhile the first one (which was sitting a mere 5 feet from my butt) popped and shot over the house next to us. Like, literally, over the house. It was insane. The second one eventually shot the cap off at us. Overall, that bombing session was a fail and we went and ate an awesome Thanksgiving dinner.
    After dinner we decided to use some more dry ice and set one of the bombs off in our front yard. I would have advised against this because I almost had the cops called on me this summer when I set off a bomb, But I was upstairs when they put it together. When I walked outside they were staring at a bottle in the middle of the street as cars were driving past. Just a bad situation altogether. We finally decided to move it when our neighbor walked right next to it to get into her car. Tito ran and grabbed it and put it in our grass. We kinda figured that it wouldn't blow so we were just standing around when it went off like a gun shot. Scared the poop out of us. We all scurried around and ran into the garage and shut the door and then I checked to see if my parents had heard. My dad was in the front yard by then persuading the neighbors that his stupid kids were just playing with chemicals and that they shouldn't call the police. Gotta love my dad sometimes. 

    After that we went and played some soccer-tennis at the park. When we got back everybody decided to go bowling. Regina was still doing homework so I waited for her to finish and then went over there to meet up with them. It was the worst bowling session of my life, only got one game in and it was a 75. But it was still a ton of fun especially since the boys (Tito and me) beat the girls (Regina and Bekah) on our lane. 

    We finished up the night by watching the recorded Punkin Chunkin hosted by Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters. If you didn't see it you missed out. It was hilarious. It's the second biggest sporting event in Delaware after Nascar alone. However, it is two hours so people slowly peeled off to go to bed until it was just Ian, Tito and I with 40 minutes left in the show. Then Tito left. Ian and I bravely tried to watch it to the end but kept falling asleep so we decided to go to bed. 

    This is when the second sleepy time fail occurred of the week. You see, a cold front had blown in that night and instead of 80 degrees outside it was now 40 degrees. All of our windows were still open. And I didn't think to go grab some blankets for us. We ended up sleeping wrapped in single sheets and freezing our bohunkuses off the whole night. Welcome to Bi-Polar South Texas Ian!

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm going to comment on very single post. Just because I figure if I can be as obnoxious as possible on here I'll return the favor you pay me every time we speak. No actually it's because if I didn't know you I'd never believe these stories but I know they actually happen in real life. You locked Ian in the bathroom? Really? Poor Ian
