As I was last minute cramming for my calculus test with Alysa we were discussing the IQ level of ourselves and other LeTourneau people. We both feel rather stupid in our classes here which is when I made the observation that there are so many socially awkward people at LeTourneau the IQ level has to be higher than the average. I don't know what I based that assumption on but I think the below graph to proves my point. Graphs prove everything right?
Anyways, we decided that we were above average for normal people but below average for LeTourneau people. That puts us roughly between 100 and 120. 20 minutes later as I was cruising through my calculus test this graph popped into my head. Hopefully it didn't find its way into one of my sketches of the graph of z = 3x + 2y^2 over 4 = x^2 + y^2. Don't ask me what that means. The test was yesterday. Promptly after class I drew up my idea on paint and here it is.
The rest of this post is simply to prove that my IQ level really must be a little lower then most.
Later that day, in my ridiculously busy and technical filled Wednesday, in circuits lab, I was explaining to Alysa that trying to melt the little bit of string coming off of my shorts by hooking up a small resistor to a 9V battery really wasn't that bad of an idea. She made one of her snide comments about it and then for some reason I made a sketch of this graph to explain why I am how I am and wasn't really contributing much to the very basic lab assignment we had that day.
When I got back to my room later that night I drew up a version in paint and here it is
Go figure 10 minutes later in the lab she saw me preparing to hook up the battery to a bunch of resistors in parallel. She kinda made a shriek/wail noise and punched me.
I have no idea what she thought was going to happen.
Of course, this is the same girl that gets freaked out when I lick the battery to see if it still has juice. Unfortunately she is not completely unsupported in her idea that I am an irresponsible little 5 year old in that lab. A few weeks ago the lab assignment told us to hook up the ten ohm resistor to the nine volt battery and observe what happened. Right under that in all caps were the words - "DO NOT TOUCH THE RESISTOR!" We hooked it up and I was watching intently for something to happen...
But nothing happened.
So I decided to test the connections in the bread board and grabbed the resistor to reposition it. Right as I grab it both Alysa and Cory the TI screech at me like I was doing something stupid. I had no idea what they were talking about until I felt the ridiculous amount of pain in my fingers from the resistor that had been experiencing nine tenths of an amp for over a minute. Never very reactive to circumstances I simply said, "Hey, it's kinda hot." as I started to suck on my fingers and look at the cool little resistor impressions in them.
The question was "What happens when you hook up a small resistor in series with a battery?" Alysa's answer: "Johner burns himself."

Yeah, Melissa didn't know the capacitors I was playing with were running at 480V or I might have had a similar story... :D